Trio Céleste Chamber Music Festival
Important Dates:
Auditions: Video recording, submitted with application
Festival Dates: July 1-12, 2019
For more information:
Visit the Claire Trevor School of the Arts website.
Trio Céleste’s Chamber Music Festival takes place annually at University of California, Irvine’s Claire Trevor School of the Arts. Every summer, talented young musicians from throughout the region and beyond come together for one of the most unique and rewarding musical experiences available in Southern California.
This intensive program features daily coaching sessions, performance classes, Dalcroze Eurhythmics, music theory, ear training, and more. Participants are assigned to groups and repertoire based on their audition, and all groups are featured in the final concert on the last day of the Academy. Each participant is assigned to two or more groups, and some groups will offer the opportunity to rehearse and perform alongside a member of Trio Céleste.
The Festival is open to ages 12-19, and scholarships and financial aid are available. Qualifying high school juniors and seniors can receive a university credit for participation in the Academy. Participants may also elect to reside on-campus in UC Irvine residence halls for the duration of the Academy.
To view the e-flyer, click here. You can then right-click on the image, and click “Save image as…” to download the file.